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At Thaxted Primary School, we are working together in a creative and challenging learning environment which seeks to stimulate thought and to strive for high standards of learning and behaviour for all children.

We believe that in an atmosphere which values the ideas and achievements of all the children and adults and respects the efforts and contributions made by everyone, children will develop the confidence, maturity and love of learning which will prepare them for a successful and satisfying adulthood: an adult life in which they will have both the ability and enthusiasm to make a positive contribution to the life of their community.

All children at our school have an equal right to learn and are entitled to a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum which is relevant to their needs. We are committed to:

  • providing a caring environment within which all pupils can learn and develop to their full potential;
  • giving all children access to a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum;
  • valuing the contributions and achievements of all pupils;
  • involving all staff in responding to the needs of all children.

We recognise that:

  • there is a continuum of special needs and that pupils' difficulties may be transient and easily met, or they may have severe and complex needs that demand constant special provision;
  • pupils' needs vary greatly in type and severity, covering learning difficulties and disabilities; social, emotional and mental health; Autism and social communication difficulties; speech, language and communication needs; physical and neurological impairment; and sensory (visual, hearing, multi) impairment.

If any parent with a child with a special educational need can seek further support from Essex SEND IAS service:


Useful Links:

sleep charity

Autism Education Trust

NHS - Children's Speech and Language Therapy - West Essex | Essex Local Offer