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At Thaxted Primary School we believe that a wide-ranging PSHE education is vital to help our pupils develop into confident members of society. They should be equipped to make a positive contribution to their community, understand their role in society, uphold their faiths and beliefs whilst recognising and accepting the faiths and beliefs of others and reject discrimination. 

PSHE is taught through “Jigsaw” a comprehensive scheme of learning, thus ensuring a wide variety of experiences for the children. All the content is age appropriate and delivered under the following headings; Being Me in My World, Celebrating Difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me and Relationships.  Sex Education is taught each summer term to children in their year groups. Each term the children are taught the importance of E-Safety and how to stay safe when using the internet. The children’s understanding is assessed at the end of every term. 

We see PSHE as part of the all-round learning that develops the whole person and is available to all children regardless of needs, backgrounds and abilities. Throughout the year the school supports as many national events as possible to reinforce the children’s learning and understanding. Our PSHE curriculum is seen as an integral part of the school’s values. Known as “The 6Rs,” Respect, Reasoning, Resilience, Responsibility, Reflection and Resourcefulness, these underpin everything we do at Thaxted School and are celebrated at every opportunity and at special weekly assemblies.